Warm food=Warm body
I am so happy to share with you one of
my favorite recipes specifically for this time of year~
It is a wonderful meal to have for
breakfast, lunch or dinner (or all three!)
Brown Rice Congee-(Asian savory porridge)
1 cup short grain brown rice
4 cups water
1 chopped burdock root
1 Organic chicken on the bone thigh (optional, add 1 more cup water)
2 tsp sea salt or to taste
4-6 shitake mushrooms diced
1-2 cloves garlic
1 tblsp fresh greated ginger root
1 tblsp fresh grated turmeric root
fresh Thyme to taste
garnish with fresh chopped scallions, olive oil & a squeeze of lemon
Add all ingredients into a stainless steel pot,
bring to a boil and simmer for 90 mins.
stirring occasionally until a thick stew-like
consistency. Remove Bones if using chicken.
Warming to the kidneys, this recipe will ignite
a profound sense of satisfaction, balance.
Your body will thank you!!
Get in touch and let me know how you liked it!